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07 May, 2008

TCS PPT and Aptitude


Please note tomorrow (8th May '08 : Thursday) you have to report at 7am for the PPT and the Aptitude test..

For the aptitude, please refer sample aptitude test papers.. You can find some at or just look at the ads at side and top, and you'll find some links to sites that can help you prepare for aptitude..

Please reach the College at 7am sharp and all the best for the same..

For any queries, please feel free to contact me at 9327007823 ::


From other colleges, it seems that TCS aptitude test will be an online test, and this will be mostly the format of the test.. Please go through it and solve some sample aptitude papers.. Thist time, the competition is gonna be tough, very tough as we have to compete with a very large mass..

I suggest everyone to go through all the papers at you can and to solve questions rather then mugging up the answers because the values do change and some of the answers provided here were even wrong (very few though). If you can solve these papers, around 20 atleast, there is no need of solving RS Aggarwal for TCS atleast.

For the verbal section, if possible please go through barron's high frequency words, model test papers and learn all the previous paper synonyms and antonyms, additionaly learn more words for the words already put up in past papers.

Lastly for critical reasoning do all the passages from Barron's 12 edition model test papers. My friends told that they had the same questions, some even had whole of the three passages as same.

For the written, please concentrate maximum on aptitude and then critical reasoning and lastly synonyms/antonyms. But dont leave any section completely because you never know they might put up sectional cut-offs.

Wish u all the best!


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